Earliest pictures of gay men

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The two went public with their relationship at the NYC GLAAD Media Awards in May. McCullouch, 47, is a former cast member of CSI and appeared in the indie gay comedy Bear City. The storybook romance: Gordon, 22, is the first openly gay basketball player in the NCAA. If the nine couples below are any indication, the answer is “yes, no, and maybe.” Does some extra mileage on the odometer mean anything when you’re in love? Of course, Daley isn’t your typical 19-year-old, and DLB looks like a million bucks-but it got us thinking about other high-profile gay romances with a significant age difference. When we learned Tom Daley’s new boyfriend was none other than Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, gay tongues started wagging about the couple’s 20-year age gap. As gay celebrities begin to feel more comfortable being open about their relationships, we’re seeing they’re not all that different from straight stars, who often date much younger than their age.

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